Saturday, December 16, 2023

2023 Barton Pond Winter Concert

On Thursday, December 14th, 2023 at 6 p.m. we had our annual winter concert at Barton Pond. The chorus performed the musical Flakes by John Higgins and John Jacobson. There were also performances by our school's percussion ensemble and ukulele club. The kindergarteners ended our show by performing some holiday tunes in a grand finale. I want to thank Terri Nicotera, the minister of music at the North Raleigh Presbyterian church, for working with the percussion club this semester to prepare them for our winter concert. Cara Hahn, a former 5th grader at Barton Pond, returned from Pine Hollow Middle School to perform for us on the violin again. She performed movement one of Vivaldi's Concerto in A minor, Op. 3, No. 6 and did a phenomenal job. I want to thank our art teacher, Mrs. Annie Pakes, for creating snowflake necklaces and making a Flakes sign for our performance. I also want to thank Clyde Murray for making the Barton Pond weather report that preceded the show. The video was a creative way to start a musical about snowflakes! The North Raleigh Presbyterian Church hosted a reception for us following the event. We are grateful to them for their hospitality. We had a blast at this event and are looking forward to our spring concert! Above you can see pictures from the event and below you can see the weather report that preceded our concert.

All-County Chorus 2025

On February 7th & 8th, 2025, a delegation of students from Barton Pond attended the 2025 Elementary Honors Chorus event for the Wake Cou...