Saturday, October 28, 2023

Glow Party Fall 2023

On Friday, October 27th, 2023, Barton Pond hosted its 2nd annual Glow Party to celebrate the school reaching its fundraising goal! At the party students danced, played games, received glow in the dark tattoos, and got to sport some really cool glow-in-the-dark accessories like sunglasses, bracelets, and necklaces. Our artistic bullfrogs got a chance to display their glow-in-the-dark artwork created under the direction of Mrs. Annie Pakes, our distinguished art teacher at Barton Pond.  The Barton Pond percussion ensemble performed at this event under the direction of our music teacher, Ms. Stephanie Sanders. They played an arrangement of "Can't Stop the Feeling" by Sammy Foster and an arrangement of "Uptown Funk" by Tom Anderson using electric green glow-in-the-dark drumsticks. The percussion ensemble had a great time at this event. The students in this club are looking forward to participating in the event again next year! Below you can see pictures from the glow party.

2024 Winter Concert

On Thursday, December 12th, the Barton Pond music program hosted its annual winter concert. The chorus and our 4th graders performed the mus...